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While fully-clothed and either lying down or seated comfortably, this non-invasive treatment works on the body's own unique ability to self-heal, by correcting any energy"blockages" or imbalances, which are usually at the root cause of any illness whether physically, mentally or emotionally.

Profoundly relaxing.

Duration of treatment can take up to an hour, sometimes longer.

£50 for 1 hour/£70 for 2 hours

Distant Reiki Healing

This treatment is carried out by myself and "sent energetically" to the client at an agreed day, time and location (the bedroom is the preferred location) 

There will be a brief check in by phone prior to the start to carry out an assessment of the clients physical, emotional and mental status. An explanation of the treatment will also be available.

The treatment can last about an hour which will be followed by an another call to gain feedback and to answer any questions.

£30 for each consultation


This authentic treatment has been used for centuries in Ayuverdic culture which is said to help with ailments such as insomnia, migraines, nervous tension, head congestion to name but a few.

While seated, the upper back, shoulders, neck and upper arms are massaged before moving on to the head then finishing on the face.

1 hour duration. Sheer bliss!


diamond light healing

Initially, a 30 minute Interview is recommended to help the practitioner do a brief assessment by sensitive questioning in order to delve a little deeper, highlighting prime areas needing to be healed. Once these areas have been identified, the full session can begin.

The client will be fully clothed and will benefit more from lying on a comfortable couch. The practitioner will use symbols to open the energy-drivers of the body freeing any emotional "road blocks". This could highlight physical,emotional, spiritual and past-life issues, which will arise for transformation and healing.

You may experience an emotional release which often brings tears: this is all good as it is all part of the healing process.

Following these sessions, it is advisable to be gentle with yourself, drink plenty of water and be aware of any insights and dreams you may later experience.

First session including interview may be up to 90 minutes.

Subsequent sessions approx. 1 hour.

£50 for initial session and 1 hour treatment/£70 for 2 hours

Pellowah Energy Healing

Your first visit will include a brief review of your medical history to ensure the treatment you have chosen is the most suitable for you. 

All information is held in the strictest confidence.

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Pellowah is an Angelic word which means "Shift in Consciousness", although not connected to the Angelic realm, it is pure Source energy, a direct transmission from the Light.


This unique energy prepares all strands of our DNA for activation by unblocking and realigning all the meridians in the body. 


Pellowah is here for your Awakening and Personal Growth.

It is perfect for those of us who feel "lost" or "stuck" somehow, lacking direction in our lives,  needing something to push ourselves forward. You perhaps need a change of perspective or crave a deeper connection with Self or increased awareness.                     


Maybe you are full of great ideas but have no motivation to take them further. With the healing power of Pellowah, this radical shift of consciousness comes clarity of inner vision, increased intuition and expansion of your true potential.



With In Person sessions, the client lies on a comfortable couch fully clothed and covered in blankets. To fully immerse in the experience, the client uses earplugs and eye mask which are provided, so there is no sensory distractions during the healing which normally lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. The Room will also be devoid of any music, candles or scents. The only physical contact will be when the practitioner places a hand on the client's shoulder to signify the end of the session. The client may be asked if they would be happy to share their experience, but the practitioner is unable to offer any incite, judgement or diagnosis as Pellowah is purely client-based.       

Distant or Absent healing is another option and permission in advance must be gained from the client. A suitable time will be arranged for the client to lay in comfort with no possible distractions as explained before. A brief phone call before the start of the session to enquire how they are feeling is useful. Ask them to set an alarm for 60 -75 minutes ahead. An exchange of sorts should be arranged out of courtesy and respect for each other which is usually in the form of some feedback from the client.

£50 per session


Soul connection and immersive experience

This can be regarded as a half-day mini Retreat as this blissful experience lasts between 3-4 hours.

With two back-to-back 60 minute treatments, the use of healing crystals, a 30 minute Sound Journey and an Oracle Card Reading, this deeply immersive session encourages the mind, body and soul to release all negative energies or "blocks".


This, in turn, helps you to truly connect with your Inner Self; revelations may begin to emerge, often leading to some soul-searching, discovering what your true Path or goals are and how to take care of your wellbeing from a new, clearer perspective.

Light refreshments along with herbal tea, coffee or water will be offered after the two treatments have been carried out.

A 30 minute Sound Journey with the use of Healing Crystals will follow and an Oracle Card reading finishes off the entire experience.

The exchange for this is £100.

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